Little Launchers Departs for Speaking Tour in China!

In advance of the release of their Chinese-English bilingual book series, the creative duo behind the Little Launchers book series departed today for a two-week, multi-city speaking tour in China.

Author Erica Swallow and illustrator Li Zeng will visit seven cities on their tour: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hunan, Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Suzhou, stopping at high schools and universities to spread the message that anyone can be an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur Kid China Tour Poster

Swallow and Zeng are scheduled to speak at eight schools while in China.

Key stops on the speaking tour include:

  • Shenzhen University
  • Guangzhou Fine Art and Design College
  • Zhuzhou No. 4 High School
  • Zhuzhou Industrial Community College
  • Hunan University
  • Zhejiang Financial and Economic University
  • Zhejiang Shuren University
  • Tongji University

Little Launchers plans to launch a Chinese-English bilingual series so that Chinese students have greater access to stories of daring kids with big ideas.

“I hope that our stories of youth entrepreneurship will one day reach every kid,” says author Erica Swallow. “China is important for our team, because Li [the illustrator] is from China, and China was the first country I visited outside of the United States, while studying abroad as a college student. I really hope the students we speak with over the next two weeks are inspired by the message we bring.”

The speaking tour will highlight the personal stories of Zeng and Swallow, growing up as first-generation college students who didn’t know much about entrepreneurship until their adult lives.

Zeng is excited to visit her high school, Zhuzhou No. 4 High School, where she and Swallow will speak to 2,000 students. She hopes that others may follow in her footsteps of following her passion for art to her ultimate work as an entrepreneur and designer.

Little Launchers

The Little Launchers book series showcases the true stories of real kid entrepreneurs who have started and continue to manage real businesses. The goal of the series is to inspire children everywhere to think creatively and solve the problems they see around them.